Skincare in Your 30s

Remember in your 20’s when you could get 2 hours sleep and still look like you just got back from holiday. You could take a make-up free selfie and look fabulous and it seemed like all you had to do was clean your face and you were good to go. 

Then suddenly, you are in your 30’s and you start noticing the little changes to your skin. Is that a wrinkle…? What’s the patch of dryness? And oh my word, is that sun damage? 

Yes, chances are it is!  Hormones, pregnancy, sun, diet, the environment, and just…life play a significant role on your skin’s health and your 30s are when you really start seeing changes in your skin. Suddenly fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and dryness are like new vocabulary words, and this is the time you really need to start thinking about the best skincare routine for your 30s.

We’ll guide you through the physical changes that occur in your skin in your 30s, what lifestyle changes to make to ensure your skin is at its best, how to curate the best anti-ageing skincare routine and what products to use.

What changes you can expect:

There are several physical changes your skin will go through in your 30s. Among the main ones to consider are:

1. Your hormones change. You probably thought your tween years would be the last time you’d have to deal with hormone issues, alas no! Your 30s are when your hormone levels begin to drop and as oestrogen levels drop, this can cause your skin you go a little crazy, just like it did when you were 13.  And, that lovely radiant glow that came so naturally? Now takes a little more work.

2. Your skin starts producing less hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a sugar found naturally in skin that draws and retains moisture in the skin. As we age however, we start producing less HA, and adding hyaluronic acid to the skin topically helps enormously. 

3. Your collagen production decreases. Collagen is a protein that acts as the body’s natural “plumper.” Collagen is what gives your skin that healthy full appearance. If you consider that collagen is when fresh healthy skin cells are formed, as it diminishes, so does your skin cell turnover rate.

4. Your skin’s elasticity decreases. Elastin is another protein and responsible for giving structure to your skin. As with collagen, elastin is affected by time and the elements. Lower levels of this protein cause your skin to wrinkle and sag and your skin won’t bounce back the way it used to.

5. Your skin will also start regenerating at a much slower rate. As mentioned above, skin cell turnover slows down. When we’re first born, our skin cells turnover about every 14 days, but by the time we’re in our 30s it can take up to 48 days. (here’s a scary thought – by the time you are in your 50’s, it’s double that!)

Ok…so what does all this mean and what are the physical changes that result because of them?

1. You might notice the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Because you’re producing less of the body’s natural “puffers” like hyaluronic acid and collagen, the lines on your face aren’t being filled in the way they used to. That’s why you might start noticing more and more lines, especially around your eyes, forehead, and mouth.

2. Your skin tone might become uneven. After the age of 30, melanocytes decrease. Though your skin probably won’t change enough for other people to notice (melanin only decreases by about 8% - 20% every decade once you hit your 30s), you might notice a change, especially when it comes to uneven skin tone, but what is important here is that unless addressed, it’s not going to get better!

3. Your skin feels and looks.  Often this could be due, in part, to the lack of skin regeneration we talked about earlier. Not only does the renewal of cells keep skin looking more radiant, but it also helps keep it less dry by sloughing off the old, dead cells. Now that your skin isn’t regenerating like it used to, those cells are just sitting there, giving your skin a dryer texture.

4. You might get acne. Hormones are hormones whether you’re 13 or 30, so it’s possible you’ll start to experience some acne issues even if you’ve never experienced any before.

5. You might start to see sun damage. Remember all those lazy days at the beach when you decided to forgo the sunscreen in favour of getting a great tan? Well, your 30s are when all those gorgeous, golden suntans catch up with you. Visible sun damage is a sign that the UV rays of the sun have, well, literally gotten under your skin, killing your skin cells. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly find you’ve developed some freckles or even a few dark spots in this decade.

Luckily, some of these issues can be corrected by putting together the best skincare routine for your skin in your 30s and putting in the time and effort now will set your skin up perfectly for your 40’s.

Best Skin Care Routine for 30s

For most people, skincare in their 20s consisted of an impulse purchase of wipes while in line at the shops or some almost-evaporated toner that came in a promotional bag, and moisturiser samples from fashion magazines. Are we right?

Well, once you reach your 30s, it’s time to come up with a better plan for your skincare routine!

Our goal here is to not only keep your skin clean but enhance it with anti-aging ingredients that specifically fight the ravages and signs of time!

That said, just because you need to start taking better care of your skin now that you’ve reached your 30s, doesn’t mean your skincare routine has to be complicated! Here’s a simple routine which, when done twice a day, will really ease you into the process of taking great care of your skin!

1. Cleanser

Clean your skin twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. This is kind of a given, but it’s good to remember.

A non-drying face wash, gentle enough to be used twice daily, is a great way to go. Opt for a sulphate free cleanser that won’t dry out your skin. Our Pineapple Enzyme Cleanser. Remember that Vitamin C we spoke about earlier? Well this gorgeous cleanser includes it in abundance. It nourishes whilst gently but effectively cleanses away daily grime, impurities, and make-up.


2. Toner

If you are not already a toner fan, time to consider introducing one into your routine. Toners work well to stabilise the skin’s pH balance (and a healthy pH means healthy skin). Look for one that is packed with antioxidants and preferably one that really hydrates since our skin doesn’t retain moisture like it did in our 20s.  Our Rosewater Toner is packed with antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatories to keep skin spotlessly clean and healthy.

3. Serum

Chances are, serums weren’t part of your skincare routine in your 20s, but now that your oestrogen is diminished it’s harder to get that glow and serums will help bring it back.

Include a good Vitamin C serum which not only helps improve hydration, it improves your skin tone as well! Another great ingredient to look for in a serum is hyaluronic acid which locks in moisture and helps keep our skin looking hydrated.

4. Eye cream

Time to add an eye cream. This is really where those fine lines and wrinkles appear so show this area a little extra love! If you’ve never incorporated eye cream into your skincare routine before, the best way to use it is to dab small amounts around the eye socket bone. Not too close to the eye. The molecular structure of good eye creams allow it to travel under the skin to where it is needed most without causing irritation and puffiness.

5. Moisturiser

As we mentioned above, the older you get, the less hyaluronic acid your skin produces which means your skin holds less moisture. Because of that, finding a moisturiser that not only adds moisture, but really, really locks it in is crucial!

One key ingredient to look for in moisturiser that adds in hydration, feeds and nourishes the skin and boosts collagen production.  Our Vitamin C moisturiser holds in moisture, giving it a young, healthy look. (Look out for moisturisers that include jojoba oil which not only boosts rejuvenation but protects against environmental stressors.

6. Sunscreen

We can say this enough - use it every day, without fail, no matter what. Natural sunscreens work on the skin rather than in the skin so are perfect for even the most sensitive of skins. Our Young in the Sun Mango butter is packed with antioxidants, it nourishes the skin whilst providing an SPF of 30 and importantly, it’s reef and ocean friendly

Skincare Routine Extras

In addition to your daily routine, think about adding a few once- or twice-a-week products for a little boost!

Detox Mask

Indulge in a little detox once or twice a week with a lightweight mask that draws out impurities. Ridding your skin of toxins and environmental aggressors with also help your serums and moisturisers better penetrate your skin.

Our Activated Coconut Charcoal draws out impurities as well as kaolin clay to balance your natural oils.

Time to consider a retinol.

Retinol really helps rejuvenation dullness and a great way to introduce this ingredient into your skincare routine is with our Vitanol and Hyaluronic Sleep Mask. Vitanol is a natural retinol that mimics the benefits of retinol without the harsh side effects. And here’s that Hyaluronic Acid we were chatting about earlier. This amazing ingredient draws and retains moisture in the skin, plumps up any lines and wrinkles and leaves skin with that lovely glow associated with youthful healthy skin.

Lifestyle Changes to Make in Your 30s

Now that you’re in your 30s, your skincare routine is as much about prevention as maintenance! Here are 10 lifestyle tips every anti-aging skincare routine should include!

1. Say good-bye to the sun. These days, the sun is not your friend (truthfully, it never was—it just pretended to like you). Your 30s are when you really, really start seeing the cumulative effects of sunbathing or even just mild sun exposure. Staying out of it is the best way to prevent those lines and wrinkles from forming in the first place!

Not only is there a cosmetic reason to stay away from the sun, there’s a health reason. Melanoma is one of the most common cancers in women under 30, so now that you’re above that threshold, you really, really need to be aware of how much sun you’re getting.

In addition to staying out of the sun as much as possible, make sure you’re wearing a good SPF and re-applying it as the day goes on.

2. Cut down on the alcohol. There’s a reason you crave water the day after a long night out. Alcohol is incredibly dehydrating and will suck the moisture out of your skin faster than you can say “eye cream.” We’re not suggesting you can never have a glass of wine again, but consider at least restricting it a bit.

3. Check the ingredients in the skin products you’re using. Checking the ingredients list on a box of cosmetics can be like checking your electric bill—horrifying and confusing. Part of putting together your best skincare routine in your 30s is making sure you’re not using more chemicals than natural ingredients.

4. Change your diet. You don’t really realize just how much diet affects your skin until you cut down on all the junk. Changing your diet can be as beneficial to your skin as committing to a skincare regimen in your 30s. Fruits like peaches, raspberries, and oranges, and veggies like broccoli, spinach, and kale are packed with antioxidants that restore collagen and bring back your glow!

5. Stop smoking. You know this is bad for you no matter what age you are, so we won’t put you on a guilt trip. We’ll just say that if you think smoking is bad for your lungs, do a little Googling and see what it does to your skin. Prevent the lines that smoking causes by stopping immediately.

6. Increase your water intake. Water is nature’s moisturiser and the more you drink, the better your skin will look.

8. Take off your eye make-up. Every night. No matter what. Look, we’ve all been there. It’s late, you’re tired, you figure you can just get to work on that waterproof mascara in the morning. Here’s the problem: when you were younger your body stored more fat under your eyes. Now that it doesn’t, you’re much more likely to develop noticeable bags under your eyes, even with a lot of sleep. Don’t make it worse by irritating your eyes. Take the five minutes (yes, it really will only take five minutes), and take off your eye make-up as part of your skincare routine.

Also, if you don’t take off your make-up, you can’t apply eye cream, which, at this age, should be a regular part of your nightly skincare routine.

9. Throw out any skincare products past their prime. The active ingredients in those old products have probably expired and won’t actually do anything for you. Toss them and start fresh with a starter kit  (Link this to Vit C kit)  that contains everything you need for a great skincare routine!

10. Start a good skincare routine and stick to it. Though most women have drawers full of skincare products, few take the time to really construct a daily skincare routine. Now’s the time to stop winging it. Part of creating the best skincare routine for your 30s is making sure you have all your bases covered.

And remember, a lot of products have a cumulative effect, so if you’re good about consistency, you’ll see much better results!

So, welcome to your 30s! With a little care and some good products, you can keep your skin looking like it did when you were in your 20s!


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